A Female Hormone Herb

Chaste Tree (Vitex agnus-castus) is a small vigorous tree in the mint family, native to the Mediterranean region. It grows well in warm climates and is relatively easy to care for. Likes a good prune in the winter.

The tree is smothered in purple flowers in summer, which become the small grey aromatic berries used in herbal medicine. The berries contain essential oils and flavonoids.

Chaste emerged during the middle ages as a remedy for dampening libido. It was used as a table spice by Monks to assist in keeping their vow of chastity. It’s also known as Monk’s pepper or Cloister pepper.

Today, Chaste Tree may be prescribed for PMS, irregular periods and management of menopause symptoms. Research has shown it to improve breast tenderness, irritability, bloating and mood swings related to PMS, regulate menstrual cycles, and reduce the symptoms of menopause.

*Herbal medicine works differently for everyone. Always seek advice from a qualified herbalist before taking new herbs – they will be able to assess the safety and dosage for you.

PMID: 34946512

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