EV Olive Oil

An extra virgin olive oil study

In a (2022) clinical trial participants were given 30mL (2 tablespoons) of either extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) or refined olive oil (ROO) per day for 6 months.

Results were assessed using MRI for brain function, and blood markers for cognitive function and Alzheimer’s disease.


EVOO significantly improved clinical dementia rating, reduced blood-brain barrier permeability and enhanced functional brain connectivity; ROO consumption did not.

*Limitations: 25 people in the study is on the low side, and it would also be beneficial to assess other forms of olive oil for their impacts on cognitive and brain health. PMID: 36501136.

Key takeaway

Extra virgin olive oil is a beneficial component of an anti-inflammatory, healthy diet and good for your brain. Drizzle over salads, fish, bread, fresh and roasted vegetables, and you can cook with it safely (it’s my go-to for cooking).

**Has to be extra virgin

How much do you need?

While there is no ‘set’ amount, you would ideally consume at least 1 tablespoon daily. People in Mediterranean countries consume on average 50mL per day. Depending on your health concerns you could start by replacing other sources of fat with EVOO and take it from there.

Holistic Health Care

Are you wanting to take a holistic direction with your health? Book a wellness audit to learn about the root cause of your health concerns, and the natural ways to optimise your innate healing capacity – through nutrition, lifestyle medicine and western herbal medicine.

By the way, I am an evidence-based practitioner across the latest medical research, and natural medicine.

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